Sunday, September 20, 2009

Glenn Family Update

Helped Tim and Hope move on Saturday. Nice new apartment in the Avenues. The darling kids are happy as clams.

Jessa sprained her ankle while helping. She made a conscious choice to fall down and let their computer monitor land on her, rather than dropping it and breaking it. She starts a new job tomorrow, working for U.S. Bank. Although she misses all her friends at Wells Fargo, the new job pays more and much less stressful.

Morgan had 2 of her wisdom teeth pulled on Thursday. She was paid $30 to participate in what amounted to a practice session for some new nurses at this study place. She had had the other two pulled previously and got paid a couple of couple hundred for it. Unfortunately, this time, not only was she paid much less, the medication she had to buy cost $24. Net gain - $6.

Dawney has a new job working for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. She's calling people to get them to volunteer to be locked up for an MDA fund raiser.

Mark & Dawney are performing in comedy competition on Friday at the WiseGuys club in Orem. The show is PG-13. I am thinking of asking Mom and Dad to come. The rest of you are all invited. But I will probably post something more explicit about that tomorrow.


Julie/mom said...

Thanks for the update!
I enjoyed all the information.

How is Jessica's ankle today? Can she walk on it?

Glad she got another job!

That smart Morgan to get PAID to get her wisdom teeth out!!

Good luck on the new job for yourself!

Nana said...

I hope Jessica's new job turns out well for her. Glad she was able to find one at another bank. Tell her I love her. Good luck on the PG-13 comedy show. Dad and I will driving back from Vegas at that time.

JessicaG. said...

you should of told me that before i took it.