Friday, April 27, 2007

A New Favorite Sport

Yesterday I had the opportunity to go dirt biking with my friend and her family. I've never ridden anything much more powerful than a mo-ped and I have hardly any experience using a clutch, so I was a little nervous, but it turned out to be a lot of fun and surprisingly easy. I started on a little 100cc bike, moved to a 125, and rode the last part on a 4-stroke 250. I figured I was probably going to fall off at least once, but I never did. The closest I came was near the end when I was feeling a little overconfident and I shot up a little hill that was a lot steeper than I had planned on, then it turned out that instead of there being a plateau on top there was just an equally steep incline on the other side, so I got a little air and had to avoid some large rocks. Lots of fun and no injuries! Now I just need to convince Dad to buy our family some dirt-bikes and four-wheelers...

Below: Me (green bike) and Kristin (red bike) riding back to the trailer.


Julie/mom said...

you look very manly

G Dawney said...

Are you sure you don't have to talk your Mom into it first?

Quinn said...

he knows that if dad agrees then mom will