Tuesday, September 18, 2007

alright parents... let's dance

Hello familia.

I've got a question for all of you who happen to be parents.

Preface: I can't wake up in the morning, I am consistently missing my first class like Manute Bol missed open jumpers.

Question: With your years of experience WELL beyond my own, what are some specific ways that you have found help to ensure that you will be up in time for work, school, or what have you? I will also accept answers regarding your own children and how you make sure they are awake, although they will not be eligible for as many points.

Aside: I will also accept answers from those of you who are not parents, but I can't guarantee that I will give them the same validity as the answers I receive from those of you who are so much more INCREDIBLY older than I am.

P.S. When I say "experience WELL beyond my own" I mean business. Seriously, a lot of you have decades on me. It's like the life experience you have is just a twinkle in my eye that is yet to be discovered. I don't want to use the term "old", but... well I think I've made my point.


Julie/mom said...

My greatest alarm clock has been working for 23 years...it is a crying baby! So, don't go after that one. Otherwise, use MORE THAN ONE alarm clock, put them accross the room. Drink A LOT of water before bed so you have to get up to "go". Good luck. I also think there is a phone service that will call your home phone to wake you up like at a hotel. You can also try to go to bed earlier.

Chase said...

After waking up at 5-6am in the morning for 4 years in seminary I've had a lot of experience with getting up when you really dont want to. I just used to use a really loud alarm clock followed by my watch alarm in case I fell back to sleep. After about 3 years I somehow managed to turn my alarm clock off while staying asleep, then I would put my hand with my watch under my pillow, so I couldnt hear it ring. Id say just use several alarm clocks and at LEAST one across the room so you have to get out of bed to turn it off. It cant be a radio alarm clock or anything either, its got to be a loud annoying one.

Nana said...

Tim, Yes, I am eons older than you and am grateful for it. I don't need an alarm clock and never did. I've always been able to wake up at least an hour before I had to be somewhere. Even when I was in school. But then, I didn't stay up playing until 2 in the morning either. Good luck! I love you,

Christopher said...

I want to know what time your first class is that you can't wake up for.

I like my mom's idea best. Just drink a lot before you go to sleep so it's either get up or wet the bed.

Usually I sleep on the top bunk. When my alarm goes off, I just roll over. I'm usually awake by the time I reach the floor. And even then if I'm not, I'm definitely awake afterwards.

Quinn said...

on our plane ride to hawaii inside one of the magazines there was an alarm clock on wheels that if you turn on the snooze the alarm clock drives away and hides while still beaping and flashing

G Dawney said...

Quinn, I already made that suggestion, about the alarm clock that rolls around the room.

Unfortunately, Tim's room is not clean enough for that to work. There is, in total, about 3 square inches of floor that is NOT covered in junk. And those inches are not contiguous. So that won't work.

Tim hits the snooze button and then sleeps another 45 minutes. Hits the snooze button again and sleeps for another half hour or so.

I think the best suggestion, which I have made before is TO GET MORE SLEEP.