Saturday, February 9, 2008

I am spending alot more time reading, anyway.

I have started taking the Trax to work. It's a 30 minute ride for me and if I don't meet Dad on the way in, I end up with just about an hour a day to read. I am finishing about a book a week. I have reported on my progress so far in "Books We've Read" blog. Go and check it out.

AND -- I want to send out a GREAT BIG

to our own JULIE/MOM

for keeping up the Blogger Flame!!!

Thank you for keeping us going. I truely enjoy seeing what you are doing down there, so far away from us. And it really reminds me to stay in touch with every one here. Appreciation abounds!


Julie/mom said...

thanks, I am glad you are enjoying the blog. Sometimes I check the counter just to see if anyone ever looks! Yes, they do. I will now go and look at books we read.

Candice said...
