Saturday, June 23, 2007

I'm in Texas now...cockroaches beware

Yes, I made it to el Paso with 4 of my children. We drove up just as Don was finishing a tennis match for the Fort Bliss tenneis tournament. the only problem is that Don has 2 stress fractures in his foot. He won anyway. he got second place in the entire tournament. The last player was a HUGE German man who has been here at Ft. Bliss for 6 years. (We invite the Germans to come here to learn about our artillery...) Don would have beat him, too, except for his foot.

anyway, we are unpacking the car and what do I find? Yes, a HUGE cockroach. No, it was not 1/2 inch, it was not 1 inch, it was not even 2 inches. It was 3 inches and FAT. Luckily, it was already dead. Don got rid of it. Then in the middle of the night we are awakened by Jenna screaming at the top of her lungs. Yes indeed...she had gone to the bathroom and there waiting for her was another HUGE cockroach. Don squished it, but then Jenna was afraid one would crawl on her in the middle of the night so she came to sleep in our bed. Wasn't that fun? Now, we keep the bathtub plugged and no more cockroaches!! Yeah!!

The temperature has been in the 100's. We go to the pool every day. Jenna is taking tennis lessons. Bear has not pee'd in the house (phew) but he has poo'd (aarrrrrgh). We all like the little house. the cannon booming outside our window at 6:00am has not really bothered us. I have already had to yell at the security men at the gate becuase they would not let me in after we returned from Carlsbad Caverns. I did not have my army ID. It was 11:30 pm. the children were all asleep in the car. I had to get out of the car and walk back 200 feet from the gate and wait for Don to drive to our house, find my card and bring it back! I told them they were very bad men. Don was probably glad they didn't throw me in jail.

I have lots more adventures to tell... I wish I could put pictures on but I have neither scanner nor printer. It is so fun to read about everyone. thanx Julie!


Quinn said...

In some weird place, I think in Australia, people have cockroaches for pets that are about a foot or more long, I wish i had one!

Julie/mom said...

Tatia, you don't need a scanner or printer to put pictures in. Just put the pictures in your camera on your computer - then you can access those pictures to the blog.

Julie/mom said...

how's that for a cockroach!

Quinn said...

you can also now get rid of the "I wish I could put pictures on but I have neither scanner nor printer" part by pressing the pencil