Tuesday, August 7, 2007

What is it about me and bugs? AND Candice's House of Horrors.

Read on to hear the thrilling tales...

Cockroaches crawl on me in Texas. Then, I come home to Utah and spiders everywhere...

My first night I wake up in the middle of the night because Jenna is running her little fingers up my arm. She does it twice. But it's not Jenna. It's a (or more than one) spider. Two days later, I am drying off in the shower when I look down at my feet and, behold, a good-size spider had been resting in my towel and was now at my feet. The NEXT morning we run out of toilet paper and as reach under the sink and pick up a new roll OUT jumps one of the biggest spiders ever seen... the kind I had in Oklahoma. Light brown, the same color as the carpet, so I had to keep my eyes on it while I screamed for my children to fetch the killing stuff fast. I happily killed it. The next spider I see will probably be a tarantula.

OK. Maybe some of you will remember Dawney telling the story of Jenna stabbing me in the shoulder with a knife...was it Thanksgiving? Anyway. On Saturday I was electrocuted. Yes, I was. It hurt. I cried. Yes, Gil, I cried. Jenna came up to me and offered me a stick of gum. It was obviously fake and there was some trick involved so I said no way. A few minutes later, little miss innocent Sophie comes and offers me the same stick of gum. I figure it can't be that bad so I go ahead and pull. Nothing happens so I pull harder, thinking I'm safe. WRONG move. That thing sent a shock up my arm so hard I could still feel it 10 minutes later.

Those with a weak stomach should not look at the next picture...a brown recluse spider bite.

I warned you...


Julie/mom said...

Tatia, you DO need a vacation!

Quinn said...
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Quinn said...

well, they're way better than galiath bird-eating spiders. (The words pretty much say how big it is)