Friday, October 5, 2007


What's your mantra?
What goes round in your head?
What do you wake up thinking?
Mine could be any one of these:
That cat!
Don't wake me up!
I have so much to do.
Maybe I should try:
I am so full of energy!
I can't wait to clean the bathrooms!
What do you have running around in your head??
Ok, I watched Oprah today and this is one of the things that her guest talked about.


Quinn said...

I wake up thinking "When will mom ever stop watching Oprah"

G Dawney said...

I usually wake up with a song going through my head, which lasts until I get into the shower. At which point my day starts and all the junk I have to get done fills up the space.

Nana said...

Oh, it is time to get up. My hands hurt, I wish they would stop!

It's going to be a good day.

I want to shop - maybe go to some of my favorite places and just see what they have. Pretty things make me happy. But today I won't have time.

Dear Heavenly Father, help me to be an Angel today.

But if I get in the car and drive - there's no angel inside of me any more because there is always a horrible, dangerous, disgusting person that will do something with his car that quickly makes me use a hyphenated word that just shouts out at the top of my head. When am I ever going to get a handle on that one??? And I feel so much better after I say it. And he is one. And I also think how much I love you all.