Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Head and All

I remember as a child opening up a can of sardines, putting them on a saltine cracker and eating it and LIKING IT. Now, I cannot imagine putting that in my mouth! It seems kind of gross.
Do any of you eat sardines?
I just read a list of 9 superfoods:
Quinoa - I am going to buy this - you must get it at a specialty grocery store like Whole Foods - it is high in protein, low in carbs, high in fiber. It is supposed to be a supstitute for rice.
Blueberries - brain food
Coconut Oil
Flax Seed
Apples - good for Bones!
Green Tea


Nana said...

Sardines are good. We all should eat more of them. I also take a tbl of FLAX every morning. This is why I look so great!! And real cranberry unsweetened cranberry juice - my mouth shrivels up like a pickle. I never eat Kale.