Tuesday, June 15, 2010

To Cheer or Not?

Here is the scene:
A girls team played a sports game.
After the game, both teams go out on the field and do a little cheer for each other.
One girl on one of the teams does not like cheering. She walks off the field. Will not contribute with her team.
Is that unsportsmanship?
Is that personality?
Is that ok?
Is it not that big of a deal and who cares?
Personally, I felt that it was kind of showing unsportsman like conduct. I think she should suck it up, do the cheer and be done. But I am a girl, so maybe I am over thinking this.
The mother just sent out an e-mail explaining her daughter's actions and begging people NOT to make comments! I agree with that. She is not our daughter, her raising is not up to us.
Just curious, what do you think?
This would NEVER happen on a boys team. Girls have feelings you know.


Heather said...

I agree with you, I think that she should just do the dang cheer. It’s not like they are actually doing a cheer leading type cheer, it’s just part of the game. Everyone does a “1-2-3-go cougars!” type cheer for the other team.

If I was her mother, I’d talk to her about what it means to be a good sport. Obviously her mom realizes that her daughter is acting silly, otherwise she wouldn’t have sent out an email about it. That’s my two cents :)

Nana said...

Here's mine . . All we know about the girl is that she plays soccer and will not cheer for the other team at the end of her game. She probably has some paranoid emotional problems that we don't understand. Obvously her mother doesn't wish to tell just asks us not to judge. Just be happy it is not your daughter and say a prayer for the troubled girl. She obviously needs them. And she needs your smiles and encouragement!!

Candice said...

Unsportsmanlike. Bad example. Mother is making excuses for her - although, how do you really MAKE her do the cheer?

Who doesn't feel bad after losing?

That point is to be a good sport about it!