Thursday, December 30, 2010

A Few Blogs for Some Facinating Info!

Over at Books We've Read I have made up my list of my

Top 10 (really more) books of 2010!

If you are looking for a good book to read, or one to stay away from, read that list! Oh, then comment and tell me what you liked!

Today happens to be Zak's 18th Birthday!!

I made a video about his whole last year. It's my first.

Come and enjoy!

Today is also Heather & Steven's First Year Anniversary!!

I interviewed them and that sweet thing is on the Cole blog also.

Just trying to keep you all up on all the news!

OH, and for our Fantasy Football, Zachary and Kylie tied for our Family Playoffs. But, Zak won the tiebreaker for that since he has a better overall regular season record. (Steven won the best overall season.)

Zak is currently filling out the paperwork to be a registered voters. What a good citizen!


Nana said...

Happy Birthday to Zak and Congratulations to the "very much in love wedding couple."
Zak has an easygoing nature - doesn't seem to get riled (unless it is his favorite football team)! Steven is very easy as well which is good for being married to Heather who is beautiful and gorgeous, talented, and dependable etc. Together they can get things done!!