Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Goriest Movie

A conversation that has been held many times is whether or not Apocalypto is the most gory movie in existence. I contend that it is, even though a couple outspoken aunts passionately defend its "moral value." It was brought up that 300 is more gory. Well, it might be, but I decided to check it out with the professionals. I went to and checked, and both of them got a 9 out of 10 for violence/gore. I then proceeded to see which list of the violence and gore was longer, and here are the results:

300: 1130 words

Apocalypto: 1435 words

That is all.


Julie/mom said...

what about "Wild Bunch" that doesn't count?
ha ha ha, I am hilarious

Zak said...

whoops, that was me who made the above comment

Anonymous said...

Numbers do not tell the story. Obviously, the more experience in "gore" a person has, the better able to judge such content. The whole family knows that CMPJ is the queen of gore. She has watched gross movies since she was a small child. Even she could not watch 300. Furthermore, she has actually visited those sites and heard the accounts of the sacrifices and saw the blood. It was real. On the other hand, I believe Steven watched the edited version of 300... I think I have made my point!

G Dawney said...

I saw both movies. I enjoyed them both. 300 was definately gorier than Apocalypto.

On another note.. does anyone outside of our family use the term GORY?

G Dawney said...

Also, I find it hard to believe that Zak has seen The Wild Bunch. 1969? Directed by Sam Peckinpah? Do you even know who Sam Peckinpah is?

Chase said...

Me steven and now zak have all taken classic films 1 in highschool where we all saw the wild bunch. It was one of my favorite movies we saw in that class.

I also saw 300 but i didnt think it was that gory. I thought it was a pretty awesome movie. there are a lot grosser/gorier movies like any of the Saw movies. Ive only seen a small part of one of the Saw movies and it was ridiculously nasty. Braveheart was pretty gory too

Quinn said...

I have seen neither of the movies, but today in school one of my friends told me a scene from Apocalypto and it sounded like it was extremely gory

Zak said...

I have heard about all Saw movies, especially Saw 3, and I don't think there can be anything more gory.

Zak said...

of course I know Sam Peckinpah, did you know there were more (fake) bullets shot in the final scene of the Wild Bunch than real bullets shot in the actual Spanish-American war?