Thursday, March 13, 2008

Lost - WHAT??

If you have NOT seen Thursday's Lost episode....

What is the deal with JIN???

Very weird??

I would like to hear your theories!!

Here is mine......
I think on the way home, Jin lost his memory (like some of the other people did...Desmond). When Jin got to Korea, he did not know about Sun, married someone else. Sun obviously thinks Jin is dead! Maybe Sun and Jin both came home separately.


G Dawney said...

No no no...

We were watching several different time lines there. Jin buying the Panda was BEFORE the flight. Sun having the baby was after the rescue. Obviously Jin died sometime bewteen "NOW" (which, by the way is 2004) and after the Oceanic Six came back.

Remember that Jin worked for Sun's father before the flight, doing things just like that... running errands, setting up contacts and pretending to kill people who pissed off his father-in-law

Candice said...

Yes, I agree with Dawney. Jin really IS dead. But I do think it is very weird that Sun kept asking to wait for Jin during her labor if she already knew he was dead. He had to be dead before that because Sun took her baby to the grave site to show Jin the baby for the first time. Do you think they came home together and then he died, or maybe he died on the island?????

G Dawney said...

Name the Oceanci Six:

Am I missing one? I know it isn't Charlie. Would they have counted the little boy, Aaron? There is space on the list for one more, so it could have been Jin. And how else would they have had his body to bury if he died "over there"?

Julie/mom said...

Good points - but I think what we saw with Jin was all after the flight. Remember, at one point he said who he worked that a clue for anyone? I don't remember his father-in-laws company name. I thought he said in the show he worked for some gas company.

Zak said...

Ben could be the sixth oceanic 6 member

Candice said...

Why can't it be Charlie? He was there at Kate's trial and obviously he made it back home.

Ben would be a good twist though.

Julie/mom said...

didn't charlie die in the underground place - he went down to save everyone?? He drowned?

G Dawney said...

Julie, I watch the show with the Closed Captioning on.. Jin said that he was working for Paik Automotive--Sun's father's company. I promise.

Charlie is not one of the Six. He wasn't at Kate's trial. The only time we have seen Charlie this season is when Hurley sees him at the "Instituttion"

Ben can't be one of the Oceanic 6 because he wasn't part of the original flight. Although he has obviously come back from the island, the general public is most likely unaware of his existence.

Nice link for info: