Saturday, August 29, 2009

2nd try . . .


Tanner came out resembling ET! He is 4 days old. He is still darling. The threads of his heart have been woven into the yearnings of mine.

When he was 2 yrs, he and CMP visited us at Oakhill. It was Thanksgiving time. We had our first snow. Tanner was mesmerized. He couldn't wait to get out there and see what the snow was like. He was wearing his sandals.

At breakfast, Bumpa asked Tanner if he could say blessing. He said yes.

During that visit, one of the things Tanner loved most was to have a wet rag and wash with it. Here he is mopping up Nana's kitchen floor. What bliss!!

Sophia was born in June of that year. Tanner was mesmerized with her, as well.

Ithink Tanner wants to go outside.

He always enjoyed being read to.

Here he is walking with Jenna who is one month older.

He loved exercising with Mommy.

Now he is mimicking his Dad.

2003. Another Thanksgiving. In those days Tanner always had some action figure in his hands.

Here he is today with Mom and baby brother, Teo, who has just been dressed in his Daddy's gown to be given a name and a blessing at Church. Tanner called me this morning to thank me for sending his birthday card with his little gift inside. We love you, Tanner. We love to have you come visit.


Nana said...

OK. Two days ago I was putting this blog up. I had gotten to the last picture . . soo happy. Suddenly, I must have hit a nasty button because everything disappeared. I was devastated. All that work. It took me two days to get over it and so I started over today. Voila! Success! Hope you enjoy.

Candice said...

Thanks, Mom. The pictures look great. I don't even remember that "ET" picture. He's much more handsome now!