Monday, August 17, 2009

Monday Meeting - Week 4

Exercised 3 times this week.

Lost 2 more pounds, but then gained them back by the end of the week.

Allergy attack today and last night. Couldn't sleep.

Stocked fridge with healthy snacks.

School started today!


G Dawney said...

Down three pounds myself, but I had gained four from the last binge I went on, so I am still basically where I started.

Green leafy vegetables seem to be the key for me. I keep meaning to post about liver support -- the liver is the organ in your body that actually metabolizes fat. I'll have to do some research and get back to you on that.

Julie/mom said...

After a hard 2 weeks, I got on the scale....I have lost 3.5 more pounds. Amazed. Makes me have the strength to hold on some more.

Dawney, there is a book all about cleaning out your liver; eating right; dieting. It is: The Fat Flush Plan. Get it at your library.
It is very enlightening and interesting. I have read exerpts from it to Candice, I'm sure she loved it.

G Dawney said...

Julie, how funny! I have been on the Fat Flush plan since last year. I heard about from Mom! It's the reason I was able to lose 25 pounds before Tim and Hope's wedding.

Congratulations on your 3.5 !!! That is absolutely SUPER. Remember, slow and steady is better than fast (and erratic).