Monday, September 14, 2009

Monday Meeting??

I know we have not done the usual "Monday" meeting lately, but I told mom (nana, sherma) a few of the items I am using to get me through the day and she wanted a real list. So, here is my public list of some of my favorite products that are VERY low in carbs and taste good. Some taste like a REAL treat.

Ok, First off------------------------------->>>>>>
We have the Ocean Spray Cran-Lemonade. It is SO good. Only 5 calories, carbs don't even register in my mind. Really a great drink. It just a nice change from regular water; which I really like too.

Next is an item that is NOT my favorite. I just put it here so you do not get confused and buy it.

It sounds good, but I did not care for it particularly.

The Atkins Caramel Chocolate Peanut Nougat Bar

So, this one, I do NOT recommend.

Oh, My Goodness! This is the ONE! It is SO good, kind of like a Snickers!!

Atkins Caramel Nut chew Bar

You can see why I confused and
bought the other, non-reccommended bar, I thought they were about the same. No.
This is the good one. It also only has 3 Carbs!!

Another good one:

Atkins Coconut Bar

So good, and only 3 carbs also

I will usually have 1 bar a day, around 3 in the afternoon. It is a great snack and it really tides me over till dinner.

You can buy them at Walmart or CVS, or possibly your grocery store.

And there is also the good old celery and jicama. I eat those too. They taste good!


Nana said...

The nut bars sound good. Iusually have Nature Valley sweet and salty granola bars - Calories 160, Carbs 22 grams, Fiber 2 grams, Protein 3 grams. WOW, no wonder it takes me 3 months to lose a pound! Thanks, Julie, I'll get your nut bars.

Nana said...

The nut bars sound good. Iusually have Nature Valley sweet and salty granola bars - Calories 160, Carbs 22 grams, Fiber 2 grams, Protein 3 grams. WOW, no wonder it takes me 3 months to lose a pound! Thanks, Julie, I'll get your nut bars.

Candice said...

ok, here's my report. first i an typing with one hand, you can guess why.

I love the atkins bar - snicker one and i love the coconut. I need to go buy more.

I have two more pounds to lose and then I've lost 15! My total goal was to lose 20. I feel like i never want to gain weight again. I DO NOT like losing weight. Much harder than i thought. It makes me really feel for all those biggest loser people.

My biggest help has been my running. it does make me feel better. I do now look at everything i eat and see how many carbs it has. i rarely eat out any more. im sure that has helped too.

i will keep up the fight until i reach my goal.

Nana said...

CMP, Keep up the fight! it's an ongoing thing! But congratulations! How wonderful for you!!