Sunday, February 14, 2010

Daughter of the Forest!

While looking for a book for Kylie at the library, I FOUND this book!!

It is the 4th book from the Daughter of the Forest series!!

I was worried about understanding or remembering enough about this series to like this book, but I remember enough that that is NOT a problem.

I am REALLY enjoying this book. So good. I hate to stop reading it. I feel like the boy in the movie The Princess Bride when the grandfather says, do you want me to stop reading?? No, I don't!

If you are looking for something to read, this is a good one, and it was just an accidental find.

If you don't know what I am talking about; start with the first book: Daughter of the Forest. It is SO good!

Just thought I would share!


Candice said...

What!!!!!!!! There's a FOURTH book??? Why don't they make these things known? I can't wait to read it! Hooray!

Candice said...

Julie, how did you make your picture so big? I want to do that.

Nana said...

I'm going to get the "gripping tale of adventure". It looks great and I need a gripping book. It looks like there is another book that she has written - "Hearts Blood". Thanks, Julie