Monday, February 22, 2010

Pasadena Marathon

Yesterday, Tanner and I woke up very early to volunteer at the Pasadena Marathon. My MIM group (Moms In Motion) manned a water station at the 10 mile mark. So we got to pass out water as runners ran past us. It was very exciting and fun and cold - but good weather for the runners.

We got to see the first lead male runner being escorted by a motor cop. He did NOT want any water. He was running about a 5 minute mile!!! Very fast. He was very buff. We cheered for him.

Then a little bit later we saw the first lead woman runner with her motor cop. We cheered very loud for her. Then someone told me that the runner's names were on the bottom of their bib . . . so then we started cheering for them BY NAME. That was way fun! Go MARIA! Way to go JOE!

It was great to see so many people doing a very hard thing. Tanner handed out lots of water as he placed himself at the front of the water table, of course. The race started at 7am and by 10am we saw the last people pass us. Some people looked happy and energetic; some people looked a little ornery. I was worried for them because, after us, they had 16 MORE miles to go. UGH!

All in all, it was a fun thing to do. I'm glad Tanner came with me.


Nana said...

HOW FUN CMP AND TANMAN! And how good you were to volunteer. I'm sure you felt very good when you finished. I love you both.

GBART said...

What a great service project!
Do you want to run a Marathon?
I really wish I had made the commitment when I was younger but I chose to run 3 -5 miles on the assumption that my knees and ankles would last longer. Who knows if I extended my running days or not, but 40 years of running is not bad. I loved running and have no regrets, but cerrtainly can't any more. I'm totally zero impact work out but I still get endorphans.

GBART said...

What a great service project!
Do you want to run a Marathon?
I really wish I had made the commitment when I was younger but I chose to run 3 -5 miles on the assumption that my knees and ankles would last longer. Who knows if I extended my running days or not, but 40 years of running is not bad. I loved running and have no regrets, but cerrtainly can't any more. I'm totally zero impact work out but I still get endorphans.