Friday, March 5, 2010

Oscar Ballot!

Sunday is the Academy Awards!

Time to place your "bets".....

I am sure Candice will be defending her win from last year. So, choose wisely!

Jessica will also want to put in a good, hard play, since she was the last winner of a Payne Family game (Super Bowl).

The best way to do this is to click on the following link:

Hopefully, this will take you to a fabulous page; print off the Oscar ballot; fill in what you would like. Keep track of all the categories that you win.

On the comment section, after the show is over, tell us all how many categories you won. It's an "on your honor" game.

There is a possible prize to the person who gets the most correct.


Julie/mom said...

I love guessing; I always think I will do great...I don't usually; but it is still fun!

GBART said...

I'm in.
But only because I don't want to be left out! :(

Nana said...

I wrote a big long comment, but my hands are shaky today and I pushed something that threw it all away. But I will play.

Nana said...

Nana is in! Although I will probably be last. I don't know what the 10 best pictures are and I know I haven't seen many of them. I think I've seen one. I'm sure there must be one by Clint E. We are going to Tatia's party. It will be fun (and very noisy, I'm sure.)

Candice said...

I wish I was going to the party!

Tatia said...

Haley made ballots for us and found us the recipe for Cafe Rio Pork Salads...I'm off to the the grocery store. I hope Bumpa brings the cake and whipping cream!

Tim Glenn said...

Hope got 14 out of 24 right.

I got 13 out of 24 right.

I also guessed the designer that jeff bridges was going to wear.

Julie/mom said...

Very funny, Tim!

Kerry: 14
Julie: 13
Zak: 7
Quinn: 8

Both Z & Q felt bad that Avatar did not win. They do not understand how the biggest movie of all time does not win the Best Movie of that year. hmm

I, (Julie), have had no sugar today.

Heather said...

I got 14 out of 24 right! This was the first time in my entire life that I ever watched the Oscars almost completely. It's because I had this competition, and I wanted to see how I did! Crazy how that works :)

And all I'm gonna say about Avatar is this...I don't think it deserved best picture either.