Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Cold Sores 411

I went to the Doctor today and had a long conversation with her about cold sores which I found very frustrating and disheartening. So in my need to vent I will share with you all of the information I now know.

1. Cold sores are a virus.

2. Once you get this virus, it NEVER goes away. It stays in your body forever. You can NEVER get rid of it. (It is also a type of Herpes.)

3. The virus will come and go as it pleases. You CANNOT prevent it. THERE IS NO CURE! Which means all those medications and over the counter topical ointments only treat the symptom. They do nothing to limit the cold sore itself.

4. Also the cold sore will run it's course whether or not you use any medication, it matters NOT. Put alot of stuff on your mouth, or don't. The cold sore doesn't care.

5. Outbreaks can occur through stress or low immune system. So stopped getting stressed and don't get sick anymore.

6. You can get rid of your toothbrush after a cold sore, but because the virus remains in your body, it will still come back anyway.

7. There is one medication that "maybe" can help - it is mostly used for shingles. But, again, it only treats the symptom not the cold sore itself. AND it only lessens the length of time by a day or two. Meaning, if your cold sore has a 7 day recovery cycle, this medication might make it 5 or 6 days. What is the point???

I'm not sure I feel better. Still aggravating. I hope you found my info useful. Oh - don't kiss someone with a cold sore because then YOU will have cold sores for life too. Yuck!


Julie/mom said...

You should have called Dr. Julie - I knew all that awful stuff! I have had 2 or 3 cold sores in my life. Each one lasted around 3 weeks...I had red marks where it was for a couple more weeks, and then was still tender for some time after that. Not a fun deal. Hang on; it will eventually leave or should I say hide. My last one came on the day that Chase came home from his mission. Woke up and there it was. Nice.

Heather said...

My immediate family has never had to battle with these (fingers crossed I wont either), but my grandparents all have, and do you know what they swear by? Sunbreeze essential oil. Apparently it cuts the virus time in more than half, which I think is a good deal :) It might be worth a shot at least.

Good luck!

Nana said...

Your picture made me want to throw up! Am so glad it is not you! I used to get terrible cold sores. Now, they are not so bad. Maybe I don't get so stressed now.

Tatia said...

I typed up a huge long response and it got lost somewhere...

There IS a medicine that works. It is called Valtrex. It is for herpes. You must take it at the first sign of a cold sore and the visible effects only last a day or two. Don and I keep a bottle on hand. You can also take Lysene as a vitamin supplement every day and your chances of getting a cold sore are greatly reduced.