Thursday, November 25, 2010

Lost phone...New phone!

Ok! After keeping my old phone with its missing back piece for 5 years I truly lost it...unless SOMEONE decided to throw it away and not tell I have a new phone! But almost all my numbers were lost so please send me your numbers. At least one from EVERY family...more if you want to!

And while I am communicating - here is a message for all family still in Salt Lake for Thanksgiving - Can we get together for some pie later this evening? You know me...queen of the last minute! We have movies and food and philosophy to discuss!

I love you all! Happy Thanksgiving to all...and to all a Good Night!

P.S. In case you have lost my number - here are a few clues...
Begin with the last two digits of the year I was born
Then the household cleaner I use
and finally, the age I wish to be when I am resurrected!


Julie/mom said...

did people come?
what philosophy did you discuss?
i'd like to see a picture of your new phone!

I can't quite remember the year you were born...just doesn't sound right in my being 4 1/2 years older than me..that year... and i have no idea what year you feel is your BEST!

I'll e-mail you some phone #'s!
Later, that is.