Saturday, July 19, 2008

Some Chatty Chat!

I got up this morning, did stuff, Kylie asked to go play tennis, I really needed to shower, but why shower before you play tennis, when tennis makes you sweaty, so just delay the shower! (Does that sound like Quinn?)

We played tennis, it was fun and yes, very sweaty. Came home. The house was VERY in sweat dripping off me. Why shower - I would just become sweaty again! So I delayed. Finally, I had to go to the grocery store to get buns for our dinner and items for tomorrow's dinner. (Hamburgers and hot dogs). I was really hoping no one would see me or, really, recognize me, when how could they as I didn't hardly look like myself! Whatever!

I saw so many people!! Sue Carrey (from our Ward). She was dressed so nice, pretty, like a Sunday! Then I saw Eloise Wayment, who just came back from the beauty parlor! She had lipstick on and all! She was nice and didn't complain of my smell. She did compliment me on my children and their greatness, (or was that my mothering??) ha ha Then the check out lady who knows me, but sweetly just ignored my slovenliness. Finally another friend from the Elementary school, Jane (not Colton) saw me and we talked. I apologized for my unkempt appearance, then we walked out and she was shocked at my choice of vehicle....I was driving my "go to car", the Corolla. She knows of my family and my usual big car, I told her it was just too expensive to drive my big car, gas and all. She thought that was great, wished she had a smaller car to drive during this time too. I told her thanks, it was one good thing I did today (as opposed to my non-shower). She was getting into her gleaming dark green Suburban and she said loudly from across the parking lot, "I can think of 7 great things you did!"

Wasn't that nice for me?? It was worth my sweaty, unkempt, smelly trip to the grocery store.


Candice said...

Of course . . . it's always when you don't want to see someone that you do. But you saw an amazing amount of people. I love your cinderella picture.

Nana said...

Cinderella picture was good. The other day when Dad and I went to Officemax to get (af all things) another printer we both looked like the cat had dragged us in! But Dad decided just as he was going out the door that he would change his pants from his walking shorts to his long stupid jeans with suspenders. (We looked like hicks just off the hay wagon) Anyway we got there with my 'guarantee' . . we began to pay for the new HP printer (Julie had suggested it)and I asked for some credit on my new colors (the old printer had sucked up the colors like blood to a vampire). Our helper said he could not do that so I said, "I wish to speak to your manager." They hollered, he came, and guess what - HE WAS ONE OF OUR MISSIONARIES IN INDIANA. WE WERE BOTH SOMEHWAT HUMILIATED. bUT I still tried to act like I was Queen Elizabeth!!