Thursday, July 2, 2009



Someone in this picture is having a birthday. In this picture he is sitting on the beach at Camp Pendleton in CA with some of his family.

Here he is playing water baseball. We caught a good side of him! I think that is Zak overjoyed to have helped water Steven down!

You can always count on Don to be in the game. We need to do this again.

Here is the Luitenant Colonel dressed in his army duds. He had to work hard to get in this picture!

Besides games and the military, one can always find Don in the kitchen with a dishtowel in hand! He is also at his PT place where Tatia has painted each wall a different color! Plum, light apple green, and cognac! Fabulous! As each patient walks in you always see a smile. Way to go! We love all your many facets, Don. Happy Birthday!!


Julie/mom said...

Happy birthday Don!

Tatia said...

Thanks Sherma for all the thought you put into sharing these pictures. I especially enjoyed the part where I cremated Steven with a water bucket. I'm up for a rematch anytime. Now that I'm on the family blog and perused through all the comments and pictures,I guess these blogs can be fun after all.

P.S. This is Don