Sunday, July 26, 2009

P90X and Jessica

I am afraid I will be too busy tomorrow to post, so I am doing it tonight.
Jessica and I are on our way!
I have a friend, 54 years old?, VERY active, very athletic, but not slender. She is a stout woman. A couple of weeks ago she came over and I actually noticed that her hips were definitely smaller. She told me about this program she was doing called P90X. It sounded interesting so I looked it up on the internet and bought it. It is 12 DVD's, each one a different workout. No fancy equipment, no need to go anywhere, a pull-up bar, a couple sets of weights, and your very best "BRING IT" attitude. I was a little slow getting started. I tried to get my girls to be my workout buddy, but our schedules never meshed. Then I mentioned it to Dawney and she said Jessica had been dying to try this out, but she couldn't buy it. So now, Jessica comes over to my house every night at 8:00 and we work our butts off. (Sorry, Julie. It is an intense workout and needs an intense phrase). I have never sweated so much so quickly. We work out 6 nights a week for 60-90 minutes. We work on different parts of the body. Each exercise takes 30 seconds to 1 minute and then we switch. There is no time to get bored. We've done plyometrics, a very difficult Yoga class (just watching the people do these poses is incredible) , core stability, Kenpo, cardio...who knew there were so many different ways to do pushups and pullups! The program is based on muscle confusion so there is no real plateau. I love the variety. I REALLY like the creator of the program. He reminds me a little of Gil. He is is fantastic shape, and he pushes you to do your very best, but make sure it is YOUR best, not anyone else's. Plus, he's funny.

In 90 days, if I really have improved my health, then it will be because of Jessica. She puts in most of the effort. She is working around MY schedule. She is the one who comes to my house and then has to drive home again at the end of a difficult workout. Plus, she leaves me absolutely NO EXCUSE. She comes, and I have to exercise. She is like my exercising guardian angel. Plus, she doesn't complain when Daniel, Jenna and Sophie all try to crowd into our small exercise space and workout with us! Thank you, thank you, Jess.

Now for confessions...what I eat continues to be my downfall. Ugh. I HAVE increased my water intake and decreased my soda intake, but I still eat too many of the wrong calories. I don't really have a strong enough committment to change my eating habits yet. It's SOOOO much work.

That's my report!


Julie/mom said...

great report Tatia!
I have seen that P90X, it does look interesting.
I would encourage you to "write" down what you eat at the livestrong website - it will help you see what is working and what is not.

Candice said...

Hooray Tatia for being our first poster! Great job! I'm so glad to hear the workouts are going well and continuing. Jessica must never stop coming over!!!

The Daily Plate has REALLY helped me with my food intake. I didn't know if I was eating 500 calories a day or 5000 - now I know. AND it tells you how many carbs and proteins so you can keep track of that too. PLUS, I promise if you really write it all down you won't eat half the things you are eating now.

Keep up the good work!

JessicaG. said...

I LOVE DOING THIS WITH TATIA IS SO MUCH FUN. I think its a blast to one see how strong I am now (which by the way isn't that strong lol) but I'm way excited to see the results that will come from it!! Plus its way nice to do it with some one. I help Tatia as much as she helps me.