Friday, August 8, 2008

I am NOT bragging

Nana asked me to post my weight loss progress.

Weight loss has become the issue up here in Utah. Dad (Bumpa) is doing Weight Watchers, Mom (Nana) is doing something less formal. I am doing something called The Fat Flush Plan--very restrictive but working well for me. Here is my progress so far:

My blood pressure is down to normal levels, my glucose levels are down to normal, and my clothes fit better. I will soon have to go shopping! Who wants to come with?


Anonymous said...

I are not bragging. But really it is a GREAT accomplishment! I am proud of you.

Julie/mom said...

Good for you, Dawney!! Very exciting. Keep up the good work. This is not bragging, it is informing!

Nana said...

Dawney, I'm thrilled for you. Keep it up. so far, in five or six weeks I have lost 5 pds. (And I'm on the same diet as Dad. I just don't go to the AA mtg.