Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A Little Political

Ok, by accident, I happened upon Hillary Clinton's speech at the DNC. It was running over time, right into Wipeout, (an ABC TV show), which Kylie and I like to watch.

Her speech was fine, then she started talking about John McCain and what he believes in. She was NOT telling the truth and she knew it. That made me mad. Whatever you need to do to whip the crowd up into a frenzy I guess is ok by her standards, not mine.

Let's have some honesty! That's what I am for!


Nana said...

Yes, let's have some honesty! The worst scenario,though,is Obama. I don't think we really have a clue re: him! We need to have faith that everything will work out for the best.

G Dawney said...

You'll need to know that the Glenn men are voting for Obama. The Glenn Woman hasn't quite made up her mind. I am not sure what the Glenn Girls are planning.

Julie/mom said...

It's just important that everybody take part in the voting process! Decide what you want and vote that way.

Both candidates want what is good and right for America. They just want to go about it in 2 different ways.

Which way is best? We each decide for ourselves.