Sunday, September 7, 2008

Have We Talked About This?

I just can't remember.

I got this DVD player, ClearPlay for my birthday. It is really fabulous! You CAN watch any movie and have all the objectionable parts deleted. You choose how much you want deleted, little, medium, heavy. There are about 14 categories of monitoring. You can watch movies with NO swearing! No blasphemy! No nudity. It takes nothing away from the movie. I really like it.

You do have to get your info from the computer, and that can make you did me! I got so frustrated last night, I just watched my movie without the clearplay monitoring. I don't think I will do that again. I did not enjoy the movie as much. I didn't think it would be a big deal. But it all made me very thankful for my clearplay. I think this is a GREAT product.

On the down side, you do have to have a subscription, every month, $14.99. If you never watch a new movie, only old, you won't need the subscription; but who does that? We are still using our free service that we got when we purchased the product.

Just sharing.


Anonymous said...

What movie did you watch unedited?

Julie/mom said...

What happens in Vegas.

Christopher said he saw it and liked it, thought nothing was inappropriate. I guess I have a soft skin. It was an ok movie. I never saw any connection between Ashton Kutcher and Cameron Diaz AND I HATED Ashton's hair! It disturbed me.

I have lately seen 27 dresses, really liked, and Penelope, REALLY liked. No one watched them with me; too girly.

G Dawney said...

I actually applied for a job with these people about a year and a half ago. Very interesting company. Because they don't actually make any changes to the movie itself (the way that Clean Flicks did) the courts have determined that their service doesn't violate the copyright laws. But that is why you have to get the info from the computer.

Nana said...

Dad and I saw the movie, "Traitor" with Don Cheadle. We thought it was very compelling and taught some good morals. We loved it and actually want to see it again. There were just a few scenes where I could not watch.

Julie/mom said...

I happily put that on my Blockbuster list - then I saw that it hasn't even been released to DVD yet! You must have GONE to a movie. I will see it when it comes out.