Monday, September 1, 2008

You want comments...

Let's see...
Monday 6:30 am - I wake up and shower so I can make an appearance at Daniel's school to remind them that I can substitute any time now.
7:00 - wake up D, J and S. Make lunches, breakfast, etc.
7:30 - leave early to drive Daniel to school so I can return in time to take J and S to their first day of school.
7:45 - almost to Daniel's school. phone rings. It is J. S has thrown up on the floor. I say "please just cover it with paper towels."
7:50 - drop D off, drive to McD's to get Sophie a sprite. I think it is just a nervous stomach.
8:05- call J. say I am going to be a little late. How is S? Can you two start walking to school and I will meet you on the way?
8:10 - drive between my house and the school looking for J & S. no sign of them. Wow. They got to school fast. I park. I quickly walk to where their classes are, carrying a sprite and oj in my hand. Hmmmm... no sign of either of them. Bell rings. Walk quickly back to car with drinks in hand and start the drive back home to check. Ahhh, there they are! J had very responsibly taken time to put Bear in his bed along with a day's (or two) worth of food and water.
8:20 - I get both girls to their new classes a few minutes late. S was fine. I run back to my car
8:30 - I am now getting on the freeway to drive to Orem so I can go to the UVU parent's orientation. I am exhausted. Are you?
10:00 - 2:00 - Orientation (I learned some good things. I am very happy with UVU). Help the girls find what books they need, take them to lunch, etc.
2:00 - race home to deposit check before bank closes.
3:00 - J & S come home. Talk about first day. Leave to pick up Daniel.
3:45 - drop D off at Karate.
5:00 - pick D up. Go to Wendy's for dinner. Order. drive to window to pay. Uh-oh. No purse in the car. No dinner. Time for Sophie's first soccer game
6:00 - Sophie plays great soccer.
7:00 - Don takes D, J and S for ice cream. I go grocery shopping.
8:00 - I have not seen Allysa since breakfast. She calls and asks to spend the night at a friend's house because she has to be at school at 6:30 the next morning to make some changes to her schedule. I do not want to drive anywhere at 6:30 the next morning. I say OK.
9:00 - put groceries away.
9:30 - put children to bed. Watch TV.

That was only one day. During the week I continued to chauffer D, J & S to school, karate, soccer, etc., On Wednesday I slipped down the stairs and wrenched my ankle so I had to cancel a subbing job for the PE teacher at Channing Hall. On Thursday I got a call saying Allysa had twisted her knee during the first play of her soccer game and was carried off the field. I had visions of scholarships going down the tubes. (She has already had 3 offers). She is OK. I was supposed to handle the snack shack at Hillcrest high school that day, but I had to go to D's Back to School night that night. Friday I subbed for a 5th grade teacher. Bought fruit for Allysa's HS soccer team who were playing a pre-game at the Real soccer stadium. By the time Don and I got downtown we were both very ornery. Lyssy didn't even get to play and we paid for 5 tickets.

Oh. Then on Sunday I got a new calling.

I am the new choir director.

Heaven help me.


Zak said...

nice comment. a little short though.

Julie/mom said...

Does it bug you to have to bring snacks (fruit) for HS games? It does me, but my boys think it is great. I am shocked lyssie did NOT play that game! How rude!

Is choir director also the regular singing director during church? Do you also pick all the songs?

Julie/mom said...

Oh, and if you broke your leg, you would see how your world stops! I don't think it is worth it though.

Candice said...

I'm worn out. I can't believe Sophie threw up. And it's not like Jenna has ever left Bear before - I think that's funny about the food. Good commenting!

Nana said...

I almost threw up just reading your comments! I hope that's not a preview of the year to come. Take care of yourself. Oh, and by the way, you will be a sassy choir director. They will LOVE you!!