Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I'm Sticking My Neck Out THERE, Want To Come With Me?

Let's talk politics!

I just can't help it, I have tried to resist, but today I am breaking free! I would REALLY like to hear from all you people out there that are voting for Obama. I know you are out there and I don't care if you are a lurker, or if you are not part of the Payne family. If you are an Obama supporter, comment - IN FACT, COMMENT EITHER WAY! Let's hear from YOU!

My biggest concern with Obama is Higher Taxes! I do NOT want my taxes raised. I am afraid that "for the good" of whoever, my taxes will go up. I feel like America has enough money handed over, the people in charge should be able to budget ALL that money much better. I have heard on Talk Radio people with small businesses really concerned with the raising of taxes which means they will have to lay people off. I also think there is a BIG difference in making $125,000 in CA and making that same amount in South Dakota.

The War: who likes it, no one. We can't change the fact that we are there, so we have to deal with it and do it right. My fear in Obama is that he will get us out, but in a way with terrible consequences. Did you hear him talk about Darfur last night? He is concerned about other areas of the world where there are atrocities. He wants to help those areas. Well, wasn't Saddam Hussein an atrocity? If I was a mother there in Iraq, I would have been so happy to see that man go. I would have been happy for the people who came and took that away. I really feel that if we leave that Iraq in a correct manner, that area will be a better place. If we leave just to get out of the war and be done with it, I really think things will be far worse for Iraq.

Shopping: Do you remember the comment about shopping last night? He made fun, (kind of), of President Bush when he told people to go out shopping after 9-11. Isn't "shopping" a way to get the economy going? People changing money, businesses selling, tourist places can thrive, banks loan money, people buy houses; the economy moves. The economy needs to move!

Ok - what do you think?
Remember, be nice, this is to help us all understand each other's perspective.


Julie/mom said...

Honestly, I am shocked. There have been at least 20 people who have seen this post, and NO ONE has commented!

G Dawney said...

Julie thinks we are all Chicken Livers!

--It's late and I'll talk politics with you tomorrow.

Julie/mom said...

Ok, let's hope we can get a lively discussion going!

G Dawney said...

ummm... What Beth said. (Don't I just have the most intelligent kids?)

Truthfully, I am a lot more moderate than my children. I am very much in the middle on this one. I like McCain. I like Obama. I believe that they are remarkably similar in their approach. I lean towards McCain because of his experience. But I lean towards Obama because I see innovation there. If I had to decide today--I'd vote Libertarian like I always do, and let the rest of you pick the guy.

I think picking Palin was a mistake. I think that McCain cracked under party pressure and made a purely political decision, The fact that he would, or even could, do that leads me to believe that he is a lot more entrenched the party machine than he is purporting.

Mark likes it better when the Democrats are in the White House. He believes that we end up with more money under the Dems. Tim likes Obama a lot. Morgan seems to be leaning in that direction, although she is quick to let me know that she hasn't decided yet. Jessa doesn't care. It looks like, once again, Dawney and her family are on the other side of the coin.

Tim Glenn said...

well, I do like Obama. I might not be voting though. Maybe I'll pull a Hank Hill and drive to Mexico for the day.

I am torn by the desire to vote for Obama, because I agree with almost everything he says (except for abortion), but I had a spiritual experience in DC that has lead me to believe that abortion is a pretty big issue.

I have no idea what to do, that's why I might not vote. However, that seems like a retreat, which I really don't want to do. So I'm stuck. I'm almost to the point where I am going to vote one way (out of obedience to God, and because I know this is a red state and it doesn't matter how I vote) but hope the other side wins because of my rebellious nature ;)

Ahhh, but that doesn't seem quite right either. Grrr

Julie/mom said...

Tim, you NEED to vote, you matter!

I am not for abortion, and I don't like the excuse of rape and incess (sp?) because I don't think those are the people who are getting the majority of the abortions. But, abortion is legal and I would be shocked if that ever got changed. (I would be for that change.) So, do you feel that for obedience sake that you should vote McCain because he is against abortion? And do you think that McCain could do something to make abortions illegal? I know people love to talk about the supreme court, I just don't see it.

Pray and study and talk about it some more!

I also believe that both men love America and want what is good for the country; they just have 2 different views on how to go about that.

G Dawney said...

You know, it's kind of funny, but we have all mentioned to each other that our votes don't count because Utah is so Republican. So Electorally we don't get counted unless we vote Red.

Julie/mom said...

Dawney, should you all vote red in Utah and we vote blue here in CA?

ha ha

Bethany said...

Mom & Julie - You are both right, that on a very broad spectrum McCain and Obama have essentially the same goals (& love) for our country but they have different plans and approaches for accomplishing those goals. I suppose it just comes down to which plan, we as individual Americans, feel is the best way to handle our country’s problems. Obviously, I strongly believe that one approach is better than the other.

Mom - I would also like to point out that while yes, McCain has much more senate experience as compared to Obama; McCain’s record still proves that he has supported Bush 90% of the time over the last eight years. Just because you have more experience, doesn’t mean it is has been experience with a good history. Therefore my question to you is - do you want to vote for a candidate that has consistently supported policies that have already clearly failed the U.S.A. and our citizens?

Tim – I very much respect your personal belief on abortion. However, I am questioning your reason for voting one way or another (or perhaps not at all) for the same reasons I believed Julie mentioned. If you “agree with almost everything” Obama says, except for abortion, I think you should still consider voting for him. I’m sure that there are a lot of Americans that will vote for one candidate or the other because they agree with the majority of their policies, but not necessarily all of them. Also, even if McCain is elected, do you honestly believe that he can reverse the Supreme Court’s decision on Roe vs. Wade and make abortion illegal? Is it likely? On the other hand, if the abortion issue is more important to you than ALL of the other issues combined, than I think you should vote for McCain. Think about this… Which candidate do you think will positively benefit our country’s future more? One way or the other, you should vote! It’s your right. I also feel that it is our responsibility as American citizens to voice our opinions about where our country is headed.

One more thing for Mom and Tim and anyone else that may have the “it’s pointless - red state” mentality - Have you ever considered how many other Utah residents have also said, “My democratic vote won’t matter because I live in a red state, what’s the point?” I wonder what would happen if each and everyone of those individuals would actually make their voices heard and vote! It’s important to vote for what you believe in, not for whom you think your state will choose.

Ok, that’s what I think. Jessica – please call me!