Thursday, October 16, 2008


I am having trouble in school... I need some advice on how to get motivated. I do want to do well in school so that i can have a future. PLEASE HELP!!!


Adam said...

nana wanted to know how i was doing in school and so i put this up... i love you nana!!!

Nana said...

Oh dear, I don't know what to say. I just remember as a child, I always had a big desire to be the best so I worked my hardest and did my best. As I grew older, yes, things got a lot harder but I still had the motivation to do my best. You must buckle down and concentrate on each class - and stop talking! Just DO IT!! Your Dad is brilliant - Have you talked to him lately? Luv ya

Julie/mom said...

Adam, remember, in school you have TOTAL control on how well you do!

Some people have to work harder than others, and if you are one of those and you do worker harder, it will pay off in big ways.

Adam said...

Nana i talk to my dad all of the time. He is a great help most of the time. I think that he is just sick of this particular conversation.

Steven said...

If you do all your homework, that will make the biggest difference ever for your grades. Motivation can be tough sometimes, and not doing your homework becomes a habit that is hard to break. You really have to start a pattern of doing it every night no matter how long it takes, but you really have to develop a HABIT of always doing it so it feels weird if you don't.

You're a smart kid, Adam. You can be ANYTHING you want to be. You just have to make the choice now of what kind of person you want to be.

Nana said...

Steven, you are amazing! from one who has the habit and is at the very top of the class. Thank you for your remarks.

GBART said...

You are fortunate to have such a great support system... people who really love you and care about you.
Most of the kids who fail in school.... and then as sure as the sun comes up... they fail in life.... are seriously handicapped by not have any support system. No one cares about them.
The most important person missing in your support system is YOU.
There is one lesson in life that if you learn it and apply it, you will never be a failure at anything.
One thing is certain above all else.
Life has consequences.
If you work hard and do your homework... as Steven suggest, you will experience the consequence of good grades.
If you dope off and think you can beat the system, you will experience the consequences of that action as well.
What ever choice you make, you can NEVER avoid the consequences of your actions or inaction.
It's not too late for you but you are getting very close to having the door slammed on your future.
What a waste it would be of you to continue to make bad choices!
We all love you and pray for you.
Decide to change.... today


GBART said...

Don't wait around for someone to "motivate you"
Motivate yourself!
No one else will suffer the consequences or enjoy the fruits of your efforts.
You are the captain of your ship.
You are the master of your fate!
I'm looking forward to hearing of your progress.
Please e-mail me every Friday of your success for the preceding week.
It is important to be accountable to someone who loves you.
I am applying for that position.
Can I have it?
Love you

Adam said...

i am so grateful to have all of your support. steven i want to thank you for that advice, it really seems like it should work. thank you

Adam said...

bumpa!!! i would love to have you for the job!! i think that emailing you will be very beneficial.