Thursday, December 11, 2008

Belly Art

I asked Gil to paint my tummy last night and this was the final result. I think we're going to try a new painting each month as my tummy grows. I only have 3 1/2 more months to go! Notice the location of my belly button. The baby was kicking the whole time. Gil had to be careful to not mess up since my belly was moving during the painting process. He mixed those colors you see. They didn't come like that in the packet. This was my first time as a canvas.

I really didn't stand up the whole time. This is just for show. I sat on the couch with a pillow behind my back. It took two hours. There were MANY layers on my tummy. We used face paint and a paint brush. I thought it turned out very well. I'm trying to do fun things during my pregnancy to make it memorable.

This is a shot that Gil took looking up at me . . . I wonder what I'll be next month???


Julie/mom said...

Nice artwork!

Julie/mom said...

When did you wash it off?
Did Gil cry?

Anonymous said...

I did not believe it was really your belly at first. I can't believe how much that baby has grown! It was beautiful art. where did you get the idea from?

Candice said...

It was very easy to wash off with a wet paper towel, no scrubbing required. I got the idea because for the past two pregnancies, I have been the one painting Amy Gray's (my Ca friend) tummy. I only painted a big smiley face one year and a daisy the next. Gil is much more involved and time intensive than me!

Nana said...

Oh, I'm shocked! What a great painting! Gil is more creative than I knew. I think he has many more hidden talents than getting blue ribbons for edging the lawn! What a fun thing for CMP and for (who I'm sure the baby is . . . Joshua Mudgeon!!) Keep us posted.