Friday, December 12, 2008

Best news ever

So as you all should know (sorry to those who don't) my branch is closing on January 5th (do not panic those who don't know I'm not being fired or laid off) So I had begun the process of trying to figure out where I wanted to go. I went and had an interview at my current managers new branch for I love her and want to work for her. The interview was amazing and they very much wanted to hire me, but as soon as my district manager found out he mad me an offer I could not refuse. He offered to give me a promotion when I was moved over to my new branch (right across the street from where I am now). The bad news is that sadly my district manager has a rep for making empty promises so I really didn't know what to do. Go with the manager I loved or go with the possible promotion. Well for all of those that are still reading my post here is what I did. I took my manager I love advice which was go with the promotion. So as I sit and hope and pray that my district manager keeps his promise and promote me in January He came in today and well the thing is..... I'm officially a Lead Teller as of Monday with a 10% raise. hehe :)


Candice said...

Hooray! I'm glad you got the promotion. You deserve it!

Bethany said...
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Bethany said...

Sweet! You rock! - I just thought I would congratulate you again, even though I already knew about it :)

GBART said...

Great job Jessa
I just hop[e you don't loose sight of getting a college education!
Love ya

Anonymous said...

Yippee! I am so proud of you. You have worked hard. You have been dependable and such a cheerful worker! It's no wonder you are in demand. Is it the Canyon Branch on Highland?

Nana said...

Darling Jessica, I am very proud of you. Don't ever lose your cheery self. You are the 'teller' I would always want to go to. Luv ya.

JessicaG. said...

I'm going to the canyon center branch. its on highland drive.