Sunday, June 28, 2009

Missing Stinger

I had a lovely time at Griffith Park yesterday with my husband and two sons. We went there to go on their old fashioned Merry Go Round. As we were playing in the park, I took off my flip flops, when suddenly I felt a deep stinging pain in my foot. I looked down to discover there was a bee stuck to my foot!

I quickly brushed the bee away and what was left, was the stinger stuck to the bottom of my foot. Amazingly, I thought of Julie at this precise moment! I'm glad it was not her going through this ordeal.

I pulled out the stinger as best I could, but there was still some left in my foot that went under the skin that I couldn't pull out. After the pain subsided a bit, we decided to stay and finish our day at the park (I didn't want to just go home - how boring!) Tanner asked a family who was picnicing next to us for some ice, and that gave me some relief.

When I got home, I took out my needle and tweezers to finish the job, but when I tried to find the stinger, it was gone! Did it just fall out? I find that hard to believe. Now my foot itches terribly and there may or may not be a stinger left in my foot. If it is still there, I really can't see it.


Nana said...

Candice, what a gross thing! I like bees but I hate their stings.And I don't like to be around them. If that had have happened to me I probably would have cried and wanted to go right home! You were brave and a good sport.

Julie/mom said...

Oh, Candice, that is AWFUL!! I would have screamed. I do think that ice is the best thing for your itchy area.

GBART said...

I think your stinger is long gone.
Don't worry about it.

Love ya
