Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Unattended briefcase!

Yesterday at work things were humming along nicely, busy but not frantic. I am on the phone with a patient when a man comes walking in carrying a black briefcase. I smile at him and motion for him to sign in and then I continue with my telephone conversation. Imagine my surprise when he briefly shakes his head, places the briefcase on the counter right in front of me and starts to LEAVE THE OFFICE. I have never seen this briefcase before. He has not said a word and HE IS LEAVING??? I frantically wave my hand at him to get his attention and motion for him to STOP and WAIT! My head is full of images of warnings from the airport regarding unattended luggage and the many terrorist and spy shows I have watched on television. I am NOT going to let this man out of my sight until I have an explanation!...But instead of stopping, he turns and begins walking even faster out of the office. I drop the phone and race around the reception desk calling for him to stop. He begins to run so I hop out of my shoes and race after him. I leap for the tackle and....

OK. I got caught up in my imagination there...but all that DID race through my mind as I motioned for him to stop and wait. He did. The briefcase had some equipment he had borrowed to help with his treatment (I don't know what). We all got a good laugh out of my instinctual response to the idea of an unattended briefcase sitting on my reception desk.


Candice said...

I liked the imagination story better. I could totally see you tackling him!

Julie/mom said...

I was thinking it was going to contain some sort of sample that he was too embarrassed to just hand you. Very funny.

Bart Jr said...

Very entertaining! At first I was actually nervous.

Bart Jr said...

Very entertaining! At first I was actually nervous.

Bart Jr said...

Very entertaining! At first I was actually nervous.

Nana said...

I'm actually nervous for the Wise Old Python!!