Sunday, October 12, 2008


We watched this movie last night with great expectations.
It was NOT good. Cheesy dialogue, not a good story. It so missed the mark.
I wish when the big stars make a stink pot movie they would just come out and say it is not so good - otherwise it is like they are stealing a little money out of my pocket!
Come on George!


Christopher said...

I actually heard that was a good movie from somebody. But I agree, I wish the movie stars would just say when they know they've made a bad movie!

G Dawney said...

I remember when "The Mummy" with Brendan Fraiser first came out and everyone was panning it. We went to see it and I LOVED it.

When "Speed Racer" came out, everyone was very skeptical. I made sure that my family understood--before we went--that the movie was going to be all bright primary colors, light hearted and syrupy sweet. Which it was. And I LOVED it.

But I knew, in each of these cases, the premise and point of view of the movie before I went to see it. My expectation of Leatherheads (which we haven't seen yet, but will) is that it is shot along the lines of the "screwball romantic comedy" done is the late 40's and early 50's (Katherine Hepburn and Cary Grant come to mind). Which would make the dialogue seem cheesy. But I'm expecting it, so I don't think it will be disappointing.

Anyway, Leatherheads is way down my list right now. (We're currently watching Sci Fi TV series from the Library and we don't have a lot of time to do that). So I'll let you know what actually think of the movie in a couple of months.

JessicaG. said...

it was not that good. I saw in the theaters and thought to myself why did i waist 8 bucks on that. lol me and my friend had a funny bet going on cause of this movie I won haha

JessicaG. said...

it was not that good. I saw in the theaters and thought to myself why did i waist 8 bucks on that. lol me and my friend had a funny bet going on cause of this movie I won haha

Nana said...

I think I saw Leatherheads and liked it. George is good looking and Zelwegger is our favorite fem fatale so I found it entertaining. I loved all the things Julie said about it. George got the publicity, he is still No 1, he is beautiful to look at although I don't like his politics so I don't like him.