Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I'm Going Postal!

Phew! After taking a written exam, a typing test, a drug test, being fingerprinted, filling out a 10 page application, attending an informational meeting to turn in the application, showing up for a 5 minute interview and being cleared for a medical assessment I have finally been offered a job with the United States Postal Service! Boy - working for the government takes a LOT of paper, a lot of time and you better have your t's crossed and dot your i's, because if you get them backward you'll be fined and possibly tossed in jail.

I will be working at the SLC Remote Encoding Center. When mail addresses cannot be read by the scanners, pictures are sent electronically to the REC where I will decipher them and send the correct label back to the PO electronically. The SLC REC is one of 5 in the nation. It is apparently very competitive. They process about 27 million pieces of mail every month. They are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year! I did get to choose my shift - Tues. through Sat. 9:30am to 2:30 pm and it pays $13.00 an hour. It's not radiology - and my children are wondering why I am working for the Post Office when I have a degree in Political Science - but it does fit my current needs. Except for working Saturdays. That stinks...(I actually thought about using the other s word - but I refrained.)


Julie/mom said...

What about your teaching job??

Nana said...

It sounds exciting, sort of.

Anonymous said...

There are 800 substitutes registered this year in Jordan school district. They need about 200-300 every day. I just haven't got the calls. I don't sub at Daniel's school anymore because I made a student cry.

G Dawney said...

How did you make a student cry?

Candice said...

Don't worry, I make lots of students cry!

Bethany said...

I am so happy for you Tatia, a little envious too. I have been looking for a REAL job since May as you may already know. Yeah for Tatia!

GBART said...

I have to admit.... I didn't think you could get this job... even though you always expressed total confidence.
I am really proud of you.
Love ya