Coming up: Game 7. Game 6 had 3 overtimes, the fourth game that ended in OTs. The games just can't get much better...I can't imagine how the NBA finals will be any better.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
I was bored noticed there was nothing going on with the family blog :(
So let a us begin with a trivia question cause it was fun when quinn did it.
Since the new Wolverine movie is coming out let us quiz you on that.
With out looking it up!!!!
What is Gambit's mutation or power?
My parents are not aloud to join in said quiz since I learned all of this from my Dad and a very small portion from my mom. lol.
Next question for the girls and the boys who would like to join in.
I'm bored with my hair! I would like to do something crazy and fun suggestions?
Thursday, April 23, 2009
I think I picked a good Bank
Zions loss 832 million first quarter and as we all know Wells made 3 billion. I like my bank :)
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
I Like A Free Item!
#1 - If you go to this site:
you can get a FREE re-usable lunch bag from Whole Foods!
You need to print out the coupon, then go to the store and get your bag. I would do it soon, as I am sure it is "while supplies last".
#2 - Cheap item (Candice told me about this):
At Baskin Robbins, 31 Flavors, on Wednesday, April 29th from 5pm - 9 pm you can get a small scoop of ice cream for 31 cents.
I've got my coupon and hope to pick up my bag tomorrow!
Happy Earth Day!
I remember an Earth Day (the FIRST one I ever knew about), about 12 years ago.
Mom and I went shopping to Nordstrom (I remember those days...) I guess we were looking for shoes because we both ended up getting Birkenstocks. I got blue ones, Mom got green ones. We were getting ready to go and visit Candice over in Israel. I was wearing a blue skirt. I looked good. I think we also got a FREE Birkenstock T-shirt.
**UPDATE: I finally remembered the incident that coincided with our trip...the Los Angeles Riots that happened after the acquittal of the officers involved in the Rodney Kind beating. The riots happened on April 29, 1992 - - so that was 17 years ago!! Let's get some confirmation from Candice....were you in Israel in 1992?
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Happy Anniversary !!!
We have been blogging for 2 years today!!!
According to our all time counter we have have had over 20,000 visits in 2 years. We know that friends are lurking and keeping track of our family activities. We have communicated over long distances and short. Some post a lot, some post a little. Everyone has had fun.
Thanks to Julie/Mom for coming up with the idea and administering our blog. Also finding fantastic background templates and keeping us on our toes!!
Thanks to Nana (who is also Mom to some of us) for posting pictures, pictures pictures.
Thanks to all of the Payne grandkids for giving us stuff to post about.
And Thanks to God for making us a family. Love you ALL!!
Friday, April 17, 2009
PJ's Coming In The Mail!
Hey Jenna and Sophie...remember when you picked some fabric out of Nana's cupboards for some pajama's?
I got them done today. I will send them tomorrow! Hope you enjoy them!
Graduation Photo
Thursday, April 16, 2009
We Are Having A Boy!
Mike and I went to our baby’s 20 week ultrasound on Tuesday and we were able to determine that we are going to have a boy. I was actually quite surprised. All of my gut instincts told me that our baby was a girl, but I was obviously wrong. Mike was convinced that we were having a boy from day one. Don’t worry, I am still a very happy mom-to-be with a little boy on the way. I just had to rearrange all of the mental images in my head of what is to come, this didn’t take me very long at all.
I’m not sure if an ultrasound within a military installation is much different than one within a civilian practice, but none the less the experience was a bit comical. I laid on the bed while the ultrasound tech did a whole lot of examining, measuring and calculating all the while with the display screen facing away from me. I couldn’t see a thing. However, Mike could. He kept chuckling once in while. Apparently he could see that our baby was a boy long before the ultrasound tech even began explaining what she could see. After what felt like an eternity, she turned the display screen to let me take a look. Once she got the ultrasound image in its proper place, she said, “See, you’re having a boy.” I told her that I didn’t understand and asked her to please explain again. She had to explain the images to me several times before I believed her. I never got upset, I honestly just didn’t quite trust her and needed to feel confident in her abilities before I would believe her. This is pretty typical behavior for me. Mike tells me that my facial expressions throughout the whole appointment were priceless.
We went to our 20 week OB check-up today as well. The doctor filled us in on the rest of the ultrasound information (because the ultrasound technician is not allowed to.) Great news – our baby is in perfect condition, very healthy, good heartbeat… simply perfect. Also, all of the other pregnancy related tests I have taken came back with no problems to report. We are right on track.
The only bad news – there is a problem with my thyroid. Because it felt enlarged at a previous appointment, the doctor ordered some blood tests and an ultrasound. The ultrasound confirmed that it is indeed enlarged, and that there is also a visible lesion. I did some more blood tests today. In conjunction with the test results, my current doctor is going to consult with another doctor whom specializes in high risk pregnancies. Basically, if I wasn’t pregnant, he would have sent me down to general surgery for a biopsy. But because I am pregnant, he wants to check and see if it is better to wait until after our baby is born. The blood test results will also help him decide which way to go. I should have more information in about a week. I have decided not to worry myself until we have more information.In the mean time, thank you for all of your lovely comments on my last post. I was prescribed a new nausea medication today (stronger) to see if I can get a few more useful hours out of my day. I have every intention of getting an epidural – thanks for the advice Candice. Also, we are still on orders for Fort Bragg, NC. Mike’s report date is early July, which means we would move around mid June. I get to be big, fat and pregnant in the middle of the summer and move across the country at the same time, yeah! We submitted our last attempt for a duty assignment change to Germany today. We are not planning on it working, but we still just have to give it a try. I have an adorable little step-son living over there, Ryan George Stephens. His picture is above. He is turning 3 years old in July and his Daddy misses him too much! Assuming the assignment change is denied, Mike is going to submit for another duty assignment change to Germany as soon as we get to Fort Bragg. Hopefully, we’ll get back to Ryan someday soon.
Happy Thursday!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
The EasterEgg Hunt!
Tatia and her girls in their Easter outfits. Where's Daniel?
Adorable Babies!!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Maundy Thursday Dinner @ Glenns
Just came from a "Maundy Thursday" dinner at the Glenn home. Dawney out did herself.
Everything was delicious! Especially the company! Glenns .... 100% including the newest Glenn... Hope. Two adopted sons... Tatia, Nana & Bumpa... Two Cole boys.
Everything was good..... AND healthy.
Sheperd's Pie (probably named something else) Deliciious salad by Nanna... Great pumpernickle bread.... Kosher Grape Juice..... unlevened bread... (but I don't think so) All topped off with Sweet Potatoe Pie with whipped cream.
Can't wait for next year!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
You Just Need To Read The Whole Story
I simply have to tell you this story in its complete timeline in order for you to get the full effect! Brace yourselves though, some of you might think it has TMI.
November 2008 – I get sick with a really nasty flu bug for the entire month. Every time I rest for a day or two and then think I can get back on my feet, I fall ill again. “Wow, this is one crazy super virus!”
December 2008 – I get sick with what I think is the flu again – also spanning the entire month. “No way! How can I still be this sick?” I also notice that certain undergarments are suddenly way too small. “Oh my goodness! I must have gained a lot of weight. I need to watch what I eat and exercise.” My girlfriend Michelle gives me a gym membership for Christmas, I begin attending various gym classes with her five times a week.January 9th 2009 – It’s my 28th birthday. Michael George Stephens proposes to me – YEAH!!! We are getting married!!! Despite still feeling completely ill, I decide to just be a trooper and go to a delicious sushi dinner at a nice romantic restaurant with my darling fiancĂ© to celebrate. At 10:00 pm we are home from dinner, word has spread through the neighborhood, everyone comes over to congratulate us.
Girlfriends: When will the wedding be?
Beth: We need to do it sooner than later because we are moving to a new duty station this summer.
Mike: Let’s get married in March.
Girlfriends & Beth: What? We can’t pull it off that fast.
Beth: Ladies, if you help me plan it, do you think we can pull it off by the end of April?
Girlfriends: Definitely, but we must find your wedding dress right away so that there is plenty of time for alterations.
January 11th 2009 – I am trying on LOTS of wedding dresses. I am leaning towards an empire waist style because I still haven’t lost any of that extra weight and I have more belly fat to cover than usual. While trying on dresses I keep saying, “If I stand this way, I really look pregnant, don’t I?” No one disagrees, my girlfriends just remind me that if I lose the weight I can get the dress fitted again just before the wedding. I purchase a dress.
January 12th 2009 – I am working out with Michelle at a strength training class. I am very focused, staring at myself in the gigantic mirror because I want to make sure that I have good form. I start a whisper conversation with Michelle.
Beth: I really need to lose these extra pounds, my sport’s bra just isn’t cutting it anymore, the bouncing in this exercise actually hurts.
Michelle: Really?
Beth: Yes, and I can’t believe how much belly fat is on me, it almost looks like a round ball. I’ve never looked like this in my entire life!
Michelle: Do you still feel sick? Like the flu?
Beth: Yes, I need to get healthy again. I can’t believe I’m still fighting a flu bug.
Michelle: You need to take a pregnancy test.
Beth: Very funny, that’s impossible. Between Mike’s motorcycle accident and my polycystic ovarian syndrome I highly doubt it. Not to mention I get the depo shot just to be on the safe side. Really, it’s completely impossible.
(BTW – if you haven’t heard the motorcycle accident story – picture two egg shaped indentations in a motorcycle fuel tank. If it still doesn’t make sense, ask one of my siblings or my mother. I think they all know the story.)
Michelle: I’ll buy it for you.
Beth: Fine, but you are just wasting your money.
After class Michelle and I stop at the store, pick up a few things and head home. After I walk in the door I mention to Mike that I picked up his favorite toothpaste on the way home. I don’t even mention the pregnancy test because obviously it will come out negative, why even bother him with it?
I take the test… it’s positive. That’s right, 4 additional tests later, (just to be sure), we are having a baby! I was in shock for a long time, I think I still might be. Mike is nothing but super, super, super happy though. Apparently he is skipping the shocked stage.
We decided not to have an April wedding anymore. Reasons: Well, because we really don’t have any money at all. We were going to try and stick to a small $2000 wedding budget and use a credit card to cover it, making payments on it over the rest of the year. However, after finding out we have a baby on the way, we quickly realized that a nursery, car-seat, stroller, bassinet/ play-pen, clothes, diapers and everything else could end up costing just as much. I managed to return the wedding dress – that was an adventure in itself.
We were married on January 26th, at city hall in t-shirts, jeans and sneakers. Yeah!!! We are married now!!! My new name is Bethany Amber Glenn Stephens. Besides new financial priorities, we also got married much quicker so that I could get on Mike’s health insurance plan in order to get prenatal care as fast as possible.According to the doctors, our baby is due on August 30th. I actually have my doubts about when the baby is really coming, but this blog post is now too long to continue explaining anymore of the story. Tell you what, if you want to know, just give me a call.
We are having our 20 week ultrasound next week, so hopefully we will be able to announce if the baby is a boy or girl soon.
There you go Mom – it’s finally posted. (If anyone was wondering why I took so long to post this it was because I was VERY sick for a really long time and then... I didn’t want to steal the thunder from baby Teo. So, please keep showering lots of love and affection on Candice, Gil, Tanner and Teo!)
Congratulations Jenna!
Jenna is the queen of the family brackets. It came down to a very close race between she and Hope, but in the end Jenna had the stronger bracket. Great job, hopefully we'll get a chance to beat you next year.
I don't have a picture of Jenna, but we can all imagine her doing a victory dance.
I would like to close with a quote from one of the greatest movies of all time:
"I'm sorry I had to fight in the middle of your Black Panther party."
Sunday, April 5, 2009
In Case You Missed It....
Friday, April 3, 2009
Let the labor commence...
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Head Count
Dearest Family...
I need to hear from you people! Next Thursday I am having a family dinner at my house. I posted on this about a month ago. Now I need to know who is coming.
Thank you Steven for calling last night. Steven and Christopher are coming.
HALEY HANSEN - Call me! I expect you to come. If you don't have my number, call Steven. If you don't have Steven's number, call YOUR MOTHER.
TATIA HANSEN - Please call me. I have no idea when you are at home and I need to know if your family is coming, especially how many.
CANDICE JUAREZ - Please have that baby! I can't count on Nana coming to my dinner until after you give birth!!! And Nana is my super-salad maker. So it affects my menu!
BART PAYNE!!! - You should call me anyway, just so I can catch up with you! Thursday is a school night, I know. But we really miss you and Diana and the kids. Dinner will be at 6:00 - does that work for you? Call me, call me, call me.
DIANA PAYNE - It wouldn't hurt if you called me either!
Julie Cole - I just love your kids! When is the next time you are planning a Utah trip?
Ok, I think I covered everyone. Oh Wait!
TIM AND HOPE GLENN - You are coming. No excuses.
I miss my BETHANY.
Ok, really now I'm done. You all have your assignments. :D
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Let's Give Candice a List!
Ok, we can make a list of really fun things Candice can do while she waits for Teo to decide he is done with the womb.
Now, everybody participate. You all can come up with at least one thing. This will be fun.
Here are my thoughts:
1. Learn how to knit a scarf, then DO IT
2. Go back to that Crepe place at that mall and eat another delicious crepe
3. Go to a fabric store, look through the patterns and sew something!
4. Cold or hot, lay by the pool and read a book.
5. Play racquetball with me on Friday morning.
Ok - now put your ideas on the Comment know, the place where you can actually say stuff about the post. (If you don't comment, I WILL call you out!)