Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I was bored noticed there was nothing going on with the family blog :(
So let a us begin with a trivia question cause it was fun when quinn did it.
Since the new Wolverine movie is coming out let us quiz you on that.
With out looking it up!!!!
What is Gambit's mutation or power?

My parents are not aloud to join in said quiz since I learned all of this from my Dad and a very small portion from my mom. lol.

Next question for the girls and the boys who would like to join in.
I'm bored with my hair! I would like to do something crazy and fun suggestions?


Quinn said...

you could get a mohawk!

Quinn said...

I have no idea who gambit is

wait is he that blue dude who can teleport?

Quinn said...

Make your hair like Manny Ramirez's hair

Candice said...

I don't know who Gambit is either.

I liked your hair the way it was. Why do you want to change it? I thought you just got it cut.

When I was in college, I died my hair red. That was fun for a while.

Christopher said...

That's embarrassing, I can't believe neither of you know who Gambit is. He is only the best X-men character of all. He does this weird thing where he supercharges playing cards and throws them, and they explode.

G Dawney said...

Christopher wins!!!

The blue dude who teleports is Nightcrawler, who happens to be my favorite XMan.

Jessa used to have blue streaks in her hair, it was cute. But now she's looking for something different.

JessicaG. said...

Christopher does win hooray

Nana said...

I don't know anything about Gambit and could care less except that the wolverine is Hugh Jackman. Whathisname. - I need to call Dawney. GOT IT. He is handsome and seems nice but am not interested in seeing the Wolverine. Just wanted to tell Jessa that I liked her hair with blue streaks and the cutest cut I have ever seen on her and if she changes it, she'll never be as gorgeous as she now is! Love you Jessica