Friday, April 17, 2009

Graduation Photo

This is my handsome boy as he poses for his 5th grade graduation picture. Only a couple more months and he will start middle school. Yuck! This summer he is taking an art class, diving lessons, and yes, he will be doing football again. We hope this year will be better.


G Dawney said...

ummm... I hate to admit my ignorance, but what happened last year that hope will be better this year?

And isn't he a GORGEOUS BOY!!!

Nana said...

Oh yes, the beautiful boy is growing up. And I hope he stays innocent, studies hard, is kind to the girls, says his prayers, and still leaves poop stains in his underwear. I think he is wonderful!

Bethany said...

“Wow Candice!” Or should I say, “Wow Tanner!” That really is a gorgeous picture. Was his picture taken through a school program or did you take him to a professional photographer? If it was done at school, it’s pretty impressive. I didn’t realize that Tanner is already approaching middle school age. Sometimes I forget that my baby cousins aren’t babies anymore.

Candice, I have some pretty funny memories of what you were up to in middle school. Do you remember toting me along (because you were babysitting me at the time) to meet certain friends at your school? Oh, puppy ♥...

G Dawney said...

what? WHAT? Just what is it that the two of you were up to?

Candice said...

I have no memory of that!!!