Tuesday, May 19, 2009

2 more trivia questions

Where does Superman get his powers?

Donated by Zak: What is the disease that Jack Black said the kids had in "School of Rock"?
Hint: he said it when he was trying to convince the people to let them into the battle of the bands


Candice said...

Superman gets his power from the sun.

Quinn said...


G Dawney said...

Unless, of course, you go with the origin that says that his powers are all telekinetic--in his mind.

This is why I hate it when they mess with the origin stories.

Good question about "School of Rock". I don't know that one!

Steven said...

Superman originally couldn't fly, he could only "leap over tall buildings in a single bound." This is from wikipedia:

The source of Superman's powers has changed subtly over the course of his history. It was originally stated that Superman's abilities derived from his Kryptonian heritage, which made him eons more evolved than humans.[69] This was soon amended, with the source for the powers now based upon the establishment of Krypton's gravity as having been stronger than that of the Earth. This situation mirrors that of Edgar Rice Burroughs' John Carter. As Superman's powers increased, the implication that all Kryptonians had possessed the same abilities became problematic for writers, making it doubtful that a race of such beings could have been wiped out by something as trifling as an exploding planet. In part to counter this, the Superman writers established that Kryptonians, whose native star Rao had been red, only possessed superpowers under the light of a yellow sun.[95] More recent stories have attempted to find a balance between the two explanations.

JessicaG. said...

stick it to the man niouses.

Quinn said...

jessica is right on the second question