Thursday, May 7, 2009

Quiz #3 or 4 (I can't remember)

Who can name one of the lonely people, from the Beatles song "All the Lonely People"

I didn't know which type of picture I should've put so I put both


G Dawney said...

Quinn, darling, the title of the song is Eleanor Rigby. The chorus starts out "All the lonely people, where do they all come from?" The second verse is about Father... ummm... starts with an Mc... McKinley? Anyway, in the third verse, the Father performs the funeral rites for Eleanor.

One my all time favorite songs from when I was in High School. Or maybe earlier.

Think of some more quizzes!! You are the best at it!

G Dawney said...

By the way, that album cover with the Fab Four walking across the street... The fact that Paul is barefoot was one of the "proofs" that Paul was dead.

Quinn said...

Its not my fault I got the title wrong, on Itunes for us it's called All the Lonely People

you were right

Nana said...

I loved the picture of the Beatles, Quinn, and Paul is not dead. What do you mean, Dawney? And, I don't know who the lonely people are in the song, I just know that people are always lonely some of the time. But, Quinn, you're great for making us think about things I might otherwise never think of.

Quinn said...

she meant that there is a myth out saying that Paul died in a car crash and was replaced by a look-a-like sound-a-like

I'm guessing that they started doing weird stuff with their album covers because they thought that the myth was funny so they started putting weird stuff like him in bare feet, and in another one them being at a funeral

G Dawney said...

Quinn, you are nearly as brilliant as I am!!

Candice said...

how does Quinn know all that?

Nana said...

My children and grandchildren always make me laugh. Thank you for keeping me informed. I'm sure I can use this info in one of my R.S. lessons.