Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Revenge of the Cockroach

I have only spotted one cockroach in the past 2 weeks...and it got away. OK. So it took me a full minute to unfreeze my body and look for the biggest and heaviest shoe I could find. So it got away.

Don's bday was yesterday. Lovely day. Only 104 degrees. swamp coooler not working very well (replaced today). Don's team won their softball game (20-2). i made dinner for the second night in a row (shocker). Excercised with my trainer (double shocker). Finally, children in bed and Don and I can relax and watch a movie. Ahhhhhhhh.....Laugh, laugh, laugh at the movie (Star Trek:Generations) what's that tickle on my toe.....


Don smashed it. He was going to use his hand, but as I like to hold his hand, I asked him to use a shoe.

I hope Julie finds a goooood picture to add to my story...

OK. We're off to see "Bodies in Motion"...over 100 cadavers (real) preserved with plastic arranged in different types of motion. soccer, running, sitting, etc. All very clean.


Julie/mom said...

how's that for pictures...gross cockroach story
please make sure you tell us about the dead body thing...

Nana said...

Do you have to kill them with a shoe? How about spray?

And what about the dead bodies? Where did they come from?

Give your children a hug from Nana.

Nana said...

Do you have to kill them with a shoe? How about spray?

And what about the dead bodies? Where did they come from?

Give your children a hug from Nana.

Julie/mom said...

Tatia - talk about your trainer!!