Tuesday, March 17, 2009

One more Sophie story!

Sophie has been asked to give a talk in Primary. Unbeknownst to anyone, she started writing it all by herself. This is it:

"My talk is on each family member has a responsibility. I will be talking about my family so I will be saying stuff like well I have three sisters and one brother and a dad and a mom.

first I will be talking about my dad. His responsibility is to go to work, pay the bills and clean the house and also keep the family together but actually that's every ones job.

second I will be talking about my mom. Her responsibility is to take care of the kids make sure no ones crazy but pretty much are family is crazy. She also has to do the laundry, cook the food and clean the house.

third, one of my sisters is Haley. Her responsibility is to go to collage and help my mom do every thing.

Forth, another one of my sisters is Allysa. Her responsibility is to play soccer and do track. Play the piano and clean the pee stains off the carpet from my dog (dirt devil)."

We really laughed hard at her perceptions of the family roles. All the spelling is hers (so don't try correcting me!) and she is obviously not done. We can't wait to hear about Daniel, Jenna and herself!


Steven said...

I love this talk.

Julie/mom said...

It's fabulous, priceless. And I love that she took the responsibility and just wrote it herself!

G Dawney said...

Once she's done, make sure you laminate it and put it in a hope chest! This is "delightful".

Nana said...

Sophia makes me laugh and cry. She is so good right down to the core. You should have seen her today at the "Prom Queen" Assembly. Lysy is up for one of the prom queens and Sophie was asked by one of the "King" candidates if she would be her partner. Thank goodness, Haley was home so was able to do her up. She was so beautiful. She is a class act - it came from HF. I will need a copy of her talk.