Monday, March 30, 2009


Dad and I went to dinner with 'young'uns' on Sat, 28 Mar in Provo at P.J. Chan with our children's friends! After the 3rd invitation and the insistence of Curtis Beesley, Dad finally said "yes". We had fun. Curtis picked us up in his black truck (it actually needed a bit of a wash - I don't think Elizabeth would have fancied that!) He first stopped off to show us where he worked in Provo. They do cement floors - make them shiny. Here is Curtis with his middle daughter, Meredith. (She is on Face book). Curtis wants Christopher or Steven to call her. She lives in Provo with her Sis, Courtney, who is going to the "Y". Meredith will be graduating very soon from Beauty School. She is adorable - I loved her! She said, "Oh Courtney and I will go on a double date with your grandsons." (I hope it works out.) The other pictures are of Donna Secor who just brought her Son (18) to go to BYU. She lives in Colo. Julie Clawson and Ferron (her husband) will eventually move to CA after their kids finish this year's school. Brad was also there. He treated Dad like they were best friends. This baby sat very close by me at another table. She kept smiling and wanting me to play with her. So we took her picture. It was a fun night. Curtis knows everything. We do like him and his family. Stephanie, his wife, was at a young women's conference with her daughter, Bergen, who is still in high school. Maybe that is why he wanted to take us so badly. He didn't want to drive down there all alone.


Julie/mom said...

Julie Clawson is SO beautiful. Glad you had a good time!

Nana said...

She is really more photogenic.

GBART said...

I just wanted to see if I can post on my computer.

Mom is a great socializer.

Everybody just loves her... and she keeps them all entertained.

5 minutes after we got there, I turned around and there she was holding a baby.!


Candice said...

You are so popular! I love Mom's outfit in her pretty yellow. Very youthful.